Thursday, April 28, 2011

Košice-First Films

As we had come for the film festival we decided to see some films. There were two film theaters, one was very large and grand with many lights, many seats that were the kind that if you shift your weight, even the slightest bit the seat switch from being on two legs onto the other two legs, on the first night there was even an opening with lots of food and wine and things of that nature.

The other theater, though much smaller was much more to my liking. It almost seemed slightly darker, as it probably was, also the seats were a heavy upholstery not a cheap plastic, they didn't rock back and forth or dig into your back.

Master class of Jan Gogola

All or mostly the all of the time we were watching films. Being the fact most of the time we were there we were watching films, and we were there for a while I cannot remember half the films or any sense of order; chronological or other.

Stopping for something to eat
My father had three or four of his movies screening at this festival so I got to see his movies and watch him talk about (I didn't understand anything; it was in Slovak). Since I can't remember the other movies, or writing about the ones I do remember would be extremely hard (Mišo and Šimon will understand) I'm just going to write about a few of my father's films.

When my father came to the US for the first time he didn't speak any English.Anyone who's have been to a country where they speak a different language that you do not, will probably understand the feeling of mute-ness that he felt. One of my fathers earlier jobs, before we was a professor, was a assistant dog handler.

My fathers movie "About Dogs and People" is a documentary that is, you guessed it, both about dogs and people. It shows things from a point of muteness and has very little dialogue. I personally really liked this movie because the situation I was in forced me to relate to it. It is both very funny and very sad at points. I was born after this film was made

 "Home Movie" as you probably didn't guess is not a home movie. It is about my father adapting to life in the USA and all manner of different things about it that arose. I generally think of the movie as very humorous and warm, but there are some very sad and emotional parts, especially for our family. One of the most memorable scenes, is of my father getting a ticket because he didn't have his seat belt on, coincidentally the he got the ticket on the way to my baptism, it was also his birthday.

Mišo Suchý master class
I saw many movies I didn't understand because of linguistic problems. I also saw many movies I didn't understand because they were above my head (I'm still not sure if it was only me or most of the people felt the same). After all this misunderstanding I had to sit through many Q's and A's with the film directors. I couldn't begin to even hope to understand these discussions. This may sound miserable and unbearable, and it was, but only a little bit at certain times. After having seen these films I feel that I know my father,and what he does better, I even feel as if I know myself a little better from the films he made about our family.

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