Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beginning of the End

In Slovakia in some schools there are four grades, in others there are five. On Friday May, 13th all Slovakia's seniors finished school. When I say "finished" I mean they only have tests left to graduate school. They got out on Friday now they have a week to study then they take the what many have told me is "the biggest exam of their lives".

Even though graduating from high school is generally considered a good thing, I think it is always a little sad. As Friday is the seniors last day together they absolutely must do something crazy, it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. The entire class makes something that resembles a poster, it reminded me very much of signs carried at a protest. The entire grades pictures are on the poster along with their names.   

The Students parade usually around their school with their poster, they collect money, which is apparently used for drinking at the pub later. They also make as much noise as possible. They dress up in fancy cloths like suits and ties, get out their noise makers and parade throughout the streets chanting "Give us money" and for some reason many people do.

We saw many groups of students participating in this it looked like a lot of fun. I wish we did this in the USA because it's a memorable way to end your high school career. It's also the last fun thing they do all week, they have to study pretty much all week long. That second part is the only thing I don't like about the whole deal.


  1. I don't know if this would fly at Ed smith

  2. Myko!
    What is the word? Been checking out your updates online. Really liked to see the drinking and smoking! Just kidding. Anyways, hope all is well. I love the scenery in some of your pictures. How is the fishing? I will check in from time to time. Where is your skateboard? Your dimented, yet profoundly witty, ex-teacher, Mr. Hamernik Peace Bro.

  3. Well we have the Danube river here so I would imagine the fishing is good, but not being a fisherman I couldn't tell you. My skateboard is unfortunately in the states so I'm borrowing for now.Isn't demented spelled, well whatever I just spelled it right there. Haha I've always wanted to correct a teacher on their spelling. I hope everything is ok in the US. If you want to send me an email you can talk to me at Peace.

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