Monday, June 13, 2011

Eskimos and Hochschornes

One of the previous bloggs I wrote, (bloggs has two g's right? The computer tells me I'm wrong no matter how I write it but the website your on right now writes it with two g's so I will to) well before I get sidetracked I should probably tell you about some Eskimos and some Hochschornes because you probably don't know any and I don't want this post to be to disappointing.

Unfortunately I do not know any Eskimos, sorry to let you down but I'll get to that later. Fortunately I do know some Hochschornes. (this is the last name of a family in case you where confused) The Hochschorne are a very water-oriented family, what I mean is that everyone in that family is an incredible white water kayaker or canoer or something along those lines. 

The Hochschorne twins are Olympic gold medallists in the C2 canoe division several times over. They are the most successful Slovak athletes and certainly among the most successful athletes in the entire world.

My father knows both parents of the Hochschorne twins, their mother is currently teaching me to kayak. Their father is their trainer and manager and everything like that.

I was recently at a man-made white water facility, at that facility was not only the Hoksici twins but also the Japanese white water slalom team. There we saw the twins father who my father knows, we talked for a while and watched the twins train, they were really, really good.

Hochschorne brothers

Me with the Hochschornes in the background

As I have talked about the Hoksicis a lot a feel the time is ripe to discuss Eskimos. When I say eskimo, I don't mean a person, or in fact, any living being at all I simply mean a roll in a kayak, the link below is an example.

Having such an excellent teacher as Gaba Hochschorne (the Hochschorne twins mother) I learned to do an eskimo roll in around three weeks (I go kayaking twice a week) I think this is considerably fast. I'm not really sure if everybody else thinks so but I can think what I like.

Here are some pretty awesome photos of my eskimo. My very own personal eskimo.

Coming around

I'm actually coming out of the water
I love this photo

Me and Dennis

Different angle

Finishing up

This is what I've been up to lately. Since I told you what I'm doing you really, really, really, should probably consider commenting on this and telling me what's up.


  1. Looks like fun! It seems much more fun that watching the ELA class take the ELA final!
