Saturday, June 11, 2011


The apartment my father used to live in when he grew up in Bratislava is now quite dilapidatedAlthough it is a living space, when we came it was uninhabitable, well at least not a pleasant place to live. In the beginning there was no heat, not for the house, not for the water, not for anything.

Now there is hot water and heating for winter. Even though there is heat there are still several problems in the apartment, these problems include but are not limited to; there is only one bed and four people (me and my family) are soon going to be living there, there is very little furniture (as in three chairs, two tables and some shelves), there is no refrigerator and the walls need to be painted.

Since there are so many problems we (my father and I) decided we should probably try to do something about these problems before we start to live there, which we will very soon.

My father has been working on painting for a while, so far he has painted the kitchen and some sections of other rooms. Today I spent my entire day helping him painting the apartment.

Fast hands

My fathers feet

We started and finished the first coat of the entrance room, which is considerable progress for one day.

Painting, painting, painting

I woke up in the morning and left to go paint and that's what I did pretty much the whole day. That's what I've been up to lately.

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