Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today was my first day of school at any other school but Ed Smith. I was petrified. My father and I went in his old friends (who I am staying with) car. Before school we went to the Slovak equivalent of Wall Mart and bought a small notebook for school. When we arrived at the school My father, Maros (my fathers friend) and I stepped out of the car. We were to meet with the director of the high school. After a long discussion about what classes in what languages would I take and what grade level would I be in the meeting was over. All my classes for the day would be in English.

The meeting took all of first period or block or whatever you want to call it. After first period the students have a ten minute announcement period. I shuffled slowly into the classroom stood in the center of it and told them my name, I even managed to smile a little and look at the people I was talking to, how extraordinary. As I finished I almost sprinted to the farthest away from all the other students, then I started staring at my shoes.

Now I had biology class. In the bio class I was assigned to where two people I already knew; Jano and Filip. Jano was supposed to come and find me and take me to the bio room, I had (and still have) no idea where anything is. I waited with the high school director (more commonly called the principal) every second seemed like 1000 years every person that looked at me seemed like a bomb that was about to explode and kill me. Just when I thought I was going to go crazy Jano came.

In bio the teacher was not present so we had a sub. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but as you have probably figured out it was. I wanted to learn as much about the school, teachers and kids as I could, and as I already said the teacher was absent. Apparently the teacher had left plans for the class to watch Filips presentation. Filip didn't like, believe or enjoy this idea. After quite a while of arguing Filip won and we were to take notes on a packet about the digestive system of many different animals. We were to highlight all the things we thought to be interesting or important, although I don't think of any of the things I highlighted as interesting or important I still highlighted many things. Everybody highlighted and didn't do much else.

In the next class I had there was  nobody I knew. Filip introduced me to one of his friends (I later found out I actually knew him from when I was very little and just didn't remember) and then left. We talked for a little while before class started, mostly people just asked me about the USA. The class was about writing, they were working similes, metaphors and then special types of poems of which the name I am unable to remember. After we practiced the poems for a little while the class ended.

I had geography right across the hall and this time it was with Jano. I thought that in geography you were supposed to learn about political boundaries, capitals and populations, apparently not. We learned how, when and why desserts form and about different types of sand dunes. This was interesting for I have never had a geography class before.

I was time for lunch but I was not going to eat lunch here at school. I was getting picked up and then leaving. I waited for my father by the main entrance, Filip and Jano went with their friend (who can drive and had a car) to McDonalds. They offered that they could take me to but having to be picked up I was unable to accept. Just as I was getting impatient my father showed up at the door. The secretary opened the door for him, he came in told her I was leaving and I walked out with him as my first day at C.S. Lewis high school drew to a close.

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