Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trip into Slovakia

We drove to the airport said our goodbyes, my father and I went through security and sat down and waited. The first plain ride was uneventful and quite boring. We arrived in the O'hare airport and we were greeted with a sight of a long static line standing in front of the check-in counter for our plain. After we had stood in line for roughly twenty minutes we realized it was not going anywhere any time soon. It turned out that the plane we had to take from Chicago to Warsaw was five hours late and everyone who had a connecting flight after that had to be re-booked. To make matters even worse only two of the many available flight attendants knew how and were able to re-book flights. After three hours which felt like more than infinity and a stone cold, angry, tired and frustrated flight attendant we finally made it through the line. Instead of going straight from Warsaw to Bratislava we would go from Warsaw to Vienna, which is a short drive from Bratislava.

Now all we had to do was go through security and then get on the plane. The line for the security checkpoint was even longer than the line for the check in. Even though this line was moving much faster than the check-in line we had had enough of long lines. My father and I were also concerned that the security workers would completely disassemble all our bags because we had lots of camera equipment. We simply ran to the front of the line. As we came through security we had to explain that we had film, not bombs and that my father was a film maker not a terrorist. The security workers seemed more concerned with the possible government shut down then defending homeland security, we heard many people complaining on more than a few occasions. We came through the checkpoint and made our way to our gate.

The plain was already in the process of boarding so we didn't have to wait at the gate which was a relief. As soon as we were on the plane I simply fell asleep. When I woke we only had one more hour till we arrived in Warsaw. I ate the dinner I had missed yesterday and then the breakfast they had just given me. The plane landed then taxied over to the unloading point. I was still groggy and my ears hadn't popped. We got off the plane and I sat down and guarded our luggage while my father tried to persuade the flight attendant into allowing us on an earlier flight to Vienna, somehow he succeeded. As we were on our way to the bus that would take us to the plane we were stopped by another flight attended. Apparently we had to many carry-ons and the plane supposedly not enough room. After quite a heated debate we managed to somehow get onto an earlier plane even with to much luggage.

As it turned out my father and I did not sit together as I had hoped but had only just gotten the two remaining seats. Soon I fell asleep when I awoke we were in Vienna we were picked up then driven into Bratislava.

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