Friday, May 20, 2011

The Israeli Ambassador

I walked into school and everything was normal as was to be expected because it's not a surprise if you expect it. The day continued normally for about two or three hours.

After about three hours I noticed some abnormal things, there was a barricade set up next to the stair case leading to my hallway, this is very unusual, there were also very many funny looking men whom I had never seen before.

It turns out those "funny looking men" were police who were wearing tuxedos. They even had a small, black dog that probably would have bitten your hand off if you tried to pet it. The reason for the barricade and the dangerous looking men in tuxedos was that the Israeli ambassador to Slovakia was coming to visit our school.

The ambassador started with showing us a movie by a popular Israeli music group, it was really crazy, the point it made was that Israeli is a little country with a big influence. I think that is true, not only because of what I learned but because I am always hearing about Israel in the news.

As it turns out the Israeli ambassador was not born in Israel as you might guess, he was born in Soviet Russia. He also lived in Costa Rica before Israel.

Thankfully the ambassador spoke English and the entire presentation was in English. The ambassador told us about Slovakia and Israel's relationship, apparently it is very good. He also told us a little about why Israel is special and many interesting facts about Israel.

When I think about Israel I think about camels, soldiers and Jews. The ambassador only knew about one camel in all of Israel. The part about soldiers is true, boys and girls must both go to the army at the age of 18 boys for three years girls for one. While in the military the soldiers must carry their guns where ever they go so it is not an uncommon sight to see bands of people walking around with assault rifles. Some dance clubs even have special places for soldiers to deposit guns. Not all of Israel is Jewish, only a mere 80% of the population.

Israel is in the Middle East, and most places there have oil, Israel is the only one without oil, or anything else. In Israel there are almost no natural resources. Most Jewish families greatly value education (Israel has the second highest literacy rate in the world) so many people in Israel are very smart, Israel has lots and lots of technological expertise. Many things like cell phone cameras, computer chips, and many more things of this sort we first created, thought of or expanded on in Israel.

The ambassador was very funny, he was also a very stereotypical Soviet Russian. He looked more fitted to be a politicians bodyguard than a politician. He also had an impressive accent.

It was interesting to listen a real Soviet Russian who is now Israel's ambassador to Slovakia talk about politics, especially Israel and Slovakia's relationship. 

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