Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kids Day

Today at my school we had Kids Day, which as you might have realised is a special day for kids. A boy named Oliver and I wear running the sword fighting event. As you can probably imagine this was an interesting experience for me.

Kids day worked like this, all the classes of little kids (I'm not exactly sure what grades) would go with their teacher, all around the central part of the school and participate in all the different events available. After participating in an event whoever was running the event would give the class a small slip of paper with an icon having to do with the event on it. The class would glue the slip of paper onto a larger paper.

Their were many crazy events of which I don't think would fly in the US, for example their was a rope going from the upper floor the the main door in the school, the kids would put on a harness and use the rope like a zip line. This wasn't the only crazy event, their were many more including blind soccer, blind eating and many others of which I have forgotten.

As me and Oliver were  in charge of the sword fighting it was up to us to explain the rules and make sure nothing bad happens. We were to explain the rules to every group, the rules were that if you got hit in the leg you had to jump on one leg, if you got hit in the other leg you died. If you got hit in one arm you have to put it behind your back and put the sword in your other arm. If both of your arms were cut off you died. Nobody was allowed to hit anybody in the head and you weren't supposed to hit very hard but we weren't really worried about that last one.

Since my Slovak isn't that great Oliver handled talking to the teachers and I was the practice dummy. Oliver would show the kids where to hit by hitting me with the sword and explaining the rules at the same time.

After a few times of going through this is started to get a little tiring, watching little kids try to sword fight isn't exactly that intriguing. Most of the kids didn't realise the point of a sword fight is not to hit your opponents sword, but to hit their body.

We had exactly the number of paper slips so that each group could have one slip, after every group left we thumbed through the reaming papers trying to somehow magically make them disappear. After a while we did run out of slips of paper, not everybody had finished so we just chilled and watched what everybody else was doing.

After everybody finished we didn't have to stay, so I had lunch then left. Over the course of the day I saw more then enough children for two or maybe even three lifetimes.

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